Once there was a painter who lived in a peaceful modest town. He was a painter by profession. His paintings were quite popular in the town and it provided a decent living. He was married to a beautiful girl and were blessed with a boy and a girl who were still toddlers. His house was always filled with laughter and joy. They never felt they could ask for anything more. Meanwhile his fame and glory seemed to cross borders. One fine day an eccentric wealthy man stood at his doorstep with a mind-blowing offer. He looked like a connoisseur of art and he was ready to offer one million dollars for a particular painting. He gave the painter one month to complete the painting and assured to return after a month to look at the painting. A new wave of excitement filled his mind. He left his current painting assignments which fetched meagre income and directed his full focus on the lucrative deal. He spent most of the day and part of the night in the painting. He started to spend very little time with his family. The painting came out really well. He was sure that by the time he finished fine tuning, the painting would be really worth million dollars. In meantime he rejected any new painting assignments from his regular clients. With utmost dedication he completed the painting and waited for the billionaire to inspect the painting.

Month passed but there was no trace of the rich connoisseur. The painter turned anxious. He waited for a week more, but still no news about him. Finally, he himself decided to go to his town and meet him. Maybe he’s busy, or maybe he’s sick. Whatever, he was not the one to lose a million-dollar deal. Once he reached the town, the rich man claimed to have come from, his anxiousness peaked. He didn’t know where to find him. Without giving up his hope, he searched the whole town to no avail. Dejected, he decided to return to his town. As he sat at the bus station, something caught his eye. There was a poster pasted on one of the bus stand pillars and it had the picture of the rich man.
“God forbid, something bad happened to him!!!”

As he approached his heart beat raced. Finally, when he read the message, his head spun like a top. It was a condolence message. He seemed to have died a week ago.

The painter started to feel giddy. He returned to his home with disappointment. His happiness was lost and along with his, his family also drowned in grief. They we very close to being a millionaire, but fate seized the opportunity from their mouth. They brooded for many months. They grudgingly resigned to the fate of moderate life. And they hated every moment of it. There was no more laughter or happiness.

It’s really tragic, isn’t it. Yes. But what is tragic is losing their happiness over something which was never their source of happiness. Previously, they were happy with what they had. Now they did not lose what they already had. But they have linked their happiness with something which never was theirs. The ultimate goal of life is happiness. And everything material and object we pursue in life is a quest for happiness. But in blind pursuit, we forget that the ultimate goal of life is happiness. We get trapped in materialistic lust and languish in pain of inadequacy.

Materials may provide comfort, but real happiness lies within you. And that’s the greatest treasure you can have.
Always seek happiness from within.

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