Don't Judge

There was once a reputed teacher of the kindergarten. She was a kind teacher who was liked by all. She was also appreciated for her effective teaching. Once while teaching Mathematics, she called one of her students named Ramesh.
“Look here my child I have a question for you and if you can answer the question right, you shall get a gift.”
“Yes teacher.”
“Ok. Here you go. If Sameer, Bablu and Pinky give you one orange each. How many oranges will you have with you?”
“Listen to the question careful and answer again. Sameer, Bablu and Pinky are giving you one orange each”
But he answered the same. The teacher thought of a way to get the right answer. Since he likes chocolates, she thought of changing the question a bit.
“Alright now. Let’s say Sameer, Bablu and Pinky gives you one chocolate each. How many chocolates will you have?”
“Three chocolates.” the kid answered with a smile.
The teacher was proud of the result.
“Now again. If Sameer, Bablu and Pinky give you one orange each. How many oranges will you have with you?”
The teacher felt disappointed.
“When your friends give you chocolates you have three, but how can you have four when it comes to oranges?”
“That’s because I already have one in my lunch box, teacher.”
The teacher learnt a lesson then. Not every different answer is wrong. Before we come to a conclusion, we have to make sure we have looked at it from all perspectives. We sometimes commit this kind of mistakes and come to a conclusion which puts us in an embarrassing position. We can avoid such situation by doing a comprehensive analysis. Even after doing that we may fail sometimes. Well, consider that a learning.

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82 thought on “Don’t Judge”
  1. Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.

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