Lobsters are Immortal
There is a popular belief that lobsters are immortal. Could it be true? Well, the belief sprouted from the fact that they can produce an enzyme which is capable to…
There is a popular belief that lobsters are immortal. Could it be true? Well, the belief sprouted from the fact that they can produce an enzyme which is capable to…
It’s a myth. Polar bears have a black skin which is covered by thick fur which is also not white but translucent. It appears while because it reflects the snow…
It’s a myth. We have seen many movies where the heart beat monitor shows flatline for a patient, but the doctors use the AEDs and the heart miraculously starts beating.…
It’s a myth. On the contrary to popular belief that Piranhas kill and devour humans in a matter of seconds, thanks to the Hollywood, they always try to avoid an…
It’s a myth. Although a staunch opponent of deforestation, it’s an attempt to bust a myth. It is estimated by the scientists that 50-80% of the world’s oxygen is produced…
It’s a myth. We might have read in various forward messages that our heart skips a beat when we sneeze, but it’s not true. The heart never stops beating while…
It’s myth. The temperature around you could not be the reason for catching cold, but you are more susceptible to catching cold due to the reduction the the production of…
It’s a myth. While kitten thrives on milk, adult cats are lactose intolerant due to the lack of lactase enzyme which helps in digestion of lactose by splitting lactose into…
It’s a myth. SOS is a standard morse code for distress signal originated in the German maritime radio regulations adopted effective 1 April 1905. The SOS is generally written with an…
It’s a myth. It might have been a manufactured story for the sake of ironical fun or a truly mischievous attempt to project Albert Einstein as a poor student during…