Has it ever occurred to you that a particular task was impossible because you failed once? Did you ever conclude that where you fail is the limit to your potential? I would like to prove a point with a scientific experiment.
A bee which was chosen as a subject was trapped in a bottle with the lid closed. The experiment revealed remarkable facts. It was observed that the bee which was held captive in the bottle tried to fly over the bottle, but every time it hit the lid and fell down at the bottom. The bee tried few times with similar result. It lay tired, but after rejuvenating, tries again with no change in outcome.
The lid was removed while the bee rested for the next set of trials. What followed next was really astonishing. The bee still repeated the same. Baffled? Yes. The bee flew till where the lid was originally placed and dropped down in fatigue. What really happened was that in the course of time the bee mentally accepted that it could only fly up to that level. That belief restricted the bee’s potential. Strikes a chord? Let us stop being the bee. A failure cannot undermine our potential. Let us not limit our potential within the confines of a failure. Break the fetters of the self-imposed limits and do your best. You will notice that your best is always better than your previous best.
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