Anisha was a rich and mischievous kid. She loves playing pranks. She was a big trouble maker and never missed an opportunity to poke at an unsuspecting victim. She never spared the vagrants who found shelter in the park benches by sprinkling water on them. She stole the umbrellas of the old people who were unable to bear the scorching sun and punctured the tyres of the neighbors’ vehicles. She did everything that spelt trouble. Her father, who was a busy businessman received many complaints about her ruthless mischief which troubled the poor neighborhood. She was the only child of a single father, who never experienced a mother’s care. Hence her father decided to talk to his daughter. He called his daughter to his study room one day. After making some general inquiry about her studies he came to the point.
“Baby, you know I have been receiving numerous complains about your mischief.”
“I’m just having some fun, dad.”
“You see, my dear. It’s wrong to trouble others for your happiness.”
“I’m not troubling anyone. Just trying to find some happiness.”
The little kid’s face shrunk in disappointment. Her father was a wise man who understood that the kid can be put to the right path in her own way.
“Listen my chumpkin, your papa knows you are not a troublesome kid. Shall we play it your papa’s way and see how it works?”
The kid was ecstatic to have her dad in her team.
“Yo papa. Let’s do it.”
The dutiful father took a day off and decided to spend the day with his kid.
The kid took her father to the park where she spent most time. She showed a vagrant sleeping on the park bench.
“I used to sprinkle water or pull his sheets off and he used to jump in shock.” the kid explained in joy.
“Ok, let’s do it differently.” Dad said and took her to a grocery store and purchased a pack of sweet bun.
“Keep it beside him and hide behind the bush.” he said.
The kid was confused but did as was told, and waited to watch what would happen.
The poor pauper sat up on the bench and saw to his astonishment a pack of sweet bun. He looked around and then immediately picked it up in extreme joy. He started to eat it in tears of joy. The kid who was bemused earlier suddenly started to realize the impact of a small act of kindness. She watched him in astonishment as his joy fetched her an inexplicable sense of accomplishment. She turned to her father who patted her on her shoulder in acknowledgement.
“Isn’t this fun, baby?”
“You have fun and be happy, but never let your happiness thrive on other’s suffering. Find happiness in erasing other’s pain my dear.”
His daughter did not reply in words, but just nodded in agreement. She was lost for words. She understood what her father wanted to teach her. She started to derive fun by making others happy. The neighborhood was happy with her change and everybody started to adore her.
Happiness is everybody’s ultimate goal. Whatever we do is a deed in quest of happiness. But where we find happiness counts. If we find happiness in others’ happiness, we are creating a happiness chain which will make the world a happy place. It doesn’t take an extraordinary effort to make others happy. Let’s make others happy and be happy.
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